Why I Care About This

My start here page is a great place to start (names can be so deceiving 😉 ), but I wanted to give you even more background on why and how I got started caring and learning about these topics I write about for you here.

It’s a little difficult to pinpoint the exact moment that many of these passions arose for me, but I’m going to give it my best shot. I want to be transparent with you as far as my experience, knowledge, and room for growth in the areas of putting love out in the world, embracing it back within yourself, and moving your body.

Let’s start with when, how, why I got started with many of the topics we explore in the Love In section! When it comes to these topics, this is something very close to my heart because when I was very first introduced to many of the concepts of self-love, mental health, peace, coping mechanisms, self-care, etc., these were all tools that lifted me out of a dark time in my life.

This interest in learning how to find joy within myself and an acceptance of me started in middle school, and it has been a journey. I struggled a bit starting at about age 12 with depression and anxiety and a whole onslaught of mental health challenges of my own. This is all too common in the world we live in today! One of my main coping mechanisms today and the thing that really pulled me out of that darkness was finding ways to fill my cup and seek a peace within myself.

Now I wouldn’t go as far to say I’m cured or anything – I think as many of us know, depression and other mental health struggles live on with us. Some days or periods of our lives it may just be a little quieter than others, and I am grateful for those times it is just a whisper.

I then went on to devote my collegiate studies to social work, learning more than I could have imagined about mental health, self-care, the value of human connection, and so much more. All this to say is that a lot of my love in and love out learning started when I put the work in to cope with my own mental health challenges and seek joy.

I’m fortunate in that I have had several mentors and teachers take the time to show me what love out is all about, especially what it looks like to serve others and love (as a verb!) others. My passions for service, relationships, and helping people all began early on in my high school experience. It did develop, too, as a way to help me find that inner peace and take care of my own wellbeing, too.

I can’t emphasize enough how interconnected the three categories of love in, love out and moving your body are! For me, they are the key essentials to finding that health, wellness, & joy in my life.  

I’ve had some amazing mentorship in the last 7 (or so?) years that has really helped me hone my own leadership development skills in the scope of servant-leadership. Much of this learning for me started at that time, and it is something I am truly passionate beyond words about. I haven’t stopped learning more or challenging myself to be the best version of myself since I was first told what agapé love was in the 10th grade.

This is such a huge part of who I am. Much of my love out comes from this passion for people, service, and community. I’m so excited to get to share so much of this with you! I can’t even put words to the excitement!

As for moving yo’ body, this section’s passions for me started a little bit later than the other two. This began later on in high school and early in college when I started thinking about my own health and wellbeing beyond the present moment. In the last 5 or so years, I have been on a consistent journey to find my own healthy habits and seek out what my body needs from me to be well.

This has been a more challenging journey for me. The reason I included this section in with the others is that I am passionate about figuring out the right way for me find health and fitness, and I want to help other people find that fit in their lives, too. Health is not a one size fits all solution, so it asks us to do a lot more trial-and-error – see what works for you and me, then roll with it.

I know and can see in my own trials and errors that when I am finding ways to be healthy and move my body, it translates into so many other aspects of my life. I have more energy; I’m happier; I feel confident. It is such an integral part to finding your joy. Moving your body is so good for your mind and your soul, too. It’s all connected! That’s why we have all these topics we get to delve into!

My 5ish year journey with health and fitness is not to say I’ve mastered my own health needs. I’m still figuring this out. I’ve started and quit a lot of programs. It can be hard to stay motivated year-round – I’m usually the type to wait until I feel crappy again to start. At least, I was. Part of this blog is designed to let you into my next (and hopefully last!) attempt at getting healthy & fit. I want you to be able to see from the beginning of this trial through to the end and onto the next one and the next one and so on.

I want to share those trials and that learning with you. My hope is that together we’ll find little ways to change our daily habits to be healthier and happier humans!

Again, the love in, love out, moving your body are all so integral to your health, wellness, and joy. This platform is meant to be a place where you and I can seek out the best version of ourselves and really get after it!

Accountability is a helpful tool we have to stick to our goals and move down the path toward the best you, and I want to serve you in that way! I want to be your accountability buddy! I want to help you be the best you there is. Sign up at the very bottom right of this page to get some accountability from me!

This is a gift to me because I can return the favor to you! Just be reading this, you are holding me accountable to my goals, so I want to do the same for you. Also, I love hearing about what you’re wrestling with, what you’re striving for, and what you’re working on! I’m excited to hear from you. I am so grateful to have you on this journey with me!

There is lots to share with you and more coming down the pike!



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